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Resepi Untuk Bayi

Potato, carrot : diced into big chunk, boil until tender.
Bila potato & carrot dah tender, add chopped spinach.
Dash some salt, not too much.
Blend until smooth.

Boil 1 cup of rice with slightly more water to prepare ‘nasik lembik’.
When cooked, add 3-4 sliced banana preferably yang manis eg. pisang emas.
Add 2-3 spoon of plain yogurt. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Boil some rice , ½ cup of pasta. (amount air - agak2).
When cooked & tender add ground beef ½ cup. Cook until simmer, and finally add chopped ½ of tomato, dash of salt and 1 spoon butter to taste.

Prepare basic rice porridge, add cubed potato or carrot and daging ayam and dash of salt.
Fry some ikan bilis until crispy.
Blend together until smooth.

Prepare basic rice porridge, add daging or ayam, cook,
Finally add some brocccoli and 1 spoon of butter.
Blend until smooth.

Boiled diced pear & apple. Cool it and blend with sweet banana until smooth, serve immediately.

Prepare a basic rice porridge, add chicken meat, boil until cooked, finally
add daun baby kailan and tofu.(if baby is not alergic to egg - use egg tofu)

90 % of babies are allergic to egg. Check the sign of allergic by looking at his mouth. If red spots detected, stop giving him egg for a while, try again at 9 month, and 1 year.

When preparing porridge with chicken, use the tulang to boil with the porridge. Then take it out bila dah masak.

Most babies have low-iron problem, to avoid this, these are the the iron rich food, meat, broccoli, spinach, tofu.


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